I'm applying for a real job this week. I'm writing my cover letter later today. I'd like to be more coherent when that happens. This is the first job I've seen since graduation that I've actually been excited about, but who knows.
I spent last week in Montreal after quitting my rediculous job. The reason? Tim was going to Montreal. It was fun, but there was no real point. All I did was drink, not sleep, drink coffee, and not drink water. I got to see some fun museums and we played laser tag, though. And I saw Wolf Eyes who were as upsetting as ever. Its hard to watch grown men scowl at their homemade noise-instruments for an hour. You just want things to work out for them, but they're from Detroit, so it won't.
I got back to Lawrence's, slept for maybe three hours and jumped on the bus to New York. The reason? No reason. Well. I wanted to see the Marcel Dzama exhibit that was up (and it was great). And I helped Jack write and record a pilot for this show he's working on, Space Burger. And I started writing the yet to be titled show I'm working on with Alan. Hopefully I'll have it and the other one I'm working on me own pitchable by the end of summer. I got sick on the Fung Wah and spent sunday and monday reclined at Alan's. It was nice though, I watched the Fellowship fo the Ring Rifftrax which was kind of funny. A little repetative. Then Casey came over and we talked a while and ordered pizza then Lawrence came over and we played Smash Brothers, then Alan came home and we all left. Woops! We got more pizza and beer and went to bed.
I have never felt as happy to be home as when I got back yesterday. Just everything felt right and I wanted everything to be right. I hung out at Lawrence's for a bit, then got pizza with Keanne, then beers and sammy's in Salem with the boys. The Boys did show up. Then I got home and thrice tried unsuccessfully to sleep from heavy thoughts. Well, one thought, but its the one that's been troubling me the most, but I think I've come to a reasonable solution, if I can just get the oportunity. Well.
I worked on my drawings last night, though. I messed up one part bad and I'm kind of upset, but I think it'll work out. The second time I woke up, I went for a drive around town between 330 and 430. It was nice and foggy. I listened to the Glow Pt.2 and drove and thought. I thought up a good video/installation with glowing helium balloons weighed down with pennies, so they hover, floating over a pond on a moonless night. I just think the reflection'll look nice. I'll do it when it gets warm out.
Add it to the list. And with that I'm going to try and pass out for a few, and I'll leave you with this gem:
Man Man is saturday, and after that: ffredom.
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