Risk lasted six hours and was probably the best game of my life. The contenders were myself, Lawrence, David, Tim and Home Fries. Both Lawrence and I were almost immediately crushed then made massive comebacks and thousands of devastating rolls and eliminated everyone else until we were the last armies standing, he white me red. By then it was 230 and after spending ten minutes pitting my 30 Venezualan armies against his 31 Central American we just called it a draw. We were done with the beer by midnight, and it now has to sit for two weeks before it yields 60 beers. We need to harvest bottles in this time. If you have any, let a dog know.
Around 5 we went to the BCD only to find out as we sat in front for an hour that they open at six now. Breakfast was actually good this time, and we saw Scruffy there which is always nice. Then we drove around and sang to the Kinks for a little while before going home. We then watched the three lovely lady cats fight each other slowly for a half hour, then I finally got to task of writing my cover letter. I think I thought the job I want was something else entirely. But whatever. Maybe it'll work. Or maybe they'll just find out I can't read or pay attention or discern between what things actually are and what I expect they are.
Everything's great. Monotonix again tonight with Black Pus in Providence. Man Man tomorrow. Then I'm Ffre.
This was the view at the top of Mount Royal. Stupid crows.
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