So spent the last days sitting in the Extended Stay till the afternoon, getting Puffy Tacos then driving the twenty minutes from Round Rock to Austin, applying for jobs, looking at nice houses, and being amazed at how many mascots here have sunglasses. "Ah, dragon with sunglasses, mushroom with sunglasses, snow-cone (caitlin's favorite, picture later) with sunglasses..." None of those are jokes. Then we go back to the room and watch movies or Arrested Development or Futurama then go to bed. We did this because we thought the house would be done by today but since we are now in the Walnut Forest Motor Inn, it isn't. Our landlord, Nice Guy Bob, had to leave town for a few days for family stuff up in Oklahoma, but he said he'd have some guys go to the house to paint and sand the floors. They never showed up. So today was spent with Caitlin and I being little homeowners and painting our walls (two light brown, one white for the gallery, and the kitchen is a lovely yellow) and then I got to be a man and scrape out all the old black caulk from the tub and recaulk all the seams.
We took a break and went to an ok greek place on Guadalupe. Then we worked until about eight thirty and spent the next two hours trying to find a cheap place to stay, since by now we've both spent at least 350 on hotel rooms; many thanks to everyone who's helped me out in that respect. So the first place we tried was this Motor Lodge that as soon as we pulled in we could feel the low bass hum of warning brewing up from within the earth. We were stared down by a man at the teller window, not the teller, but some 50 year old getting a room. We walked up and notice he was with a girl I'd love to say was at least 16 but I have no idea. Your conclusions in regards to that are your own. When he said "how y'all doing?" to us we both thought "did you have to?" but said "just fine." He then through vulgar, sexual comments to the 60 year old fat lady behind the counter, while his lady laughed. It was incredibly upsetting. One of those rare occasions where you think in the past that you've met a sociopath, only to actually meet one and know that you need to get away from him as soon as possible because he doesn't care about anything. The scariest person alive. Other than that there was a guy lying down by the pool, yes pool, with his thousand pound girlfriend dripping over the fence onto him. As we pulled right the fuck out of there, we had just enough time to see a shirtless monster loom in a doorway with no lights on inside. Jesus.
No place is perfect.
So we cam to the Walnut Forest which is very cute and nice and we talked to a guy who had the misfortune of spending last night at the palce I just talked about, it is thirty bucks a night, but some things aren't worth anything. "Just nasty" is what he had to say, the business man from Lubbock. This room is a little smoky and hasn't changed ever.The curtains won't close, but these photos were shot there.
Tomorrow I install the toilet and sink, then we finally empty the car after two weeks of torture and we go to Ikea and buy a damn bed.
Good night! Tonight we watch The Departed.
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