Monday found us in St Louis. We met up with Caitlin's cousin Michael and his boyfriend Jim and their two adorable puppies. They were australian shephards, like Sparky, mixed with collies and were incredibly soft. I wish I got a photo of them.
We got in a fight and I had to make it to Austin by mule.
They gave us a tour and St Louis is a pretty neat place, but I doubt I could live there. Maybe for a summer. Probably not. We went to a decent pizza place and they gave us a tour of the town. We got back around 1030 and I crawled straight into bed. The room proved to be a germ furnace and I woke up at 3 in the morning coughing with the heaviest head and cracked the windows, something I should have done before I went to bed. Bad combination of dry heat and dehydration I am just now getting over. We both woke up feeling like garbage and have been blowing our noses and couhging up garbage ever since.
We headed out and made it to Graceland by the afternoon, but Memphis depressed me so hard we didn't even go in. It was the six bucks for parking that was just too much for me. It looked like a bunch of shitty buildings with Elvis' plane and car out front. We headed to Arkansas.
The road takes its toll
Arkansas provided us with terrifying storms and little else. I don't think we even stopped before Texas. El Dorado was about two hours out of our way, so we scrapped that idea, and we drove b y Arkadelphia around 8 and weren't ready to stop, and forgot to call Marshall to tell him thanks anyways. We stopped outside Dallas.
I wished I had known Dallas was only 200 miles from Austin and if I did I would have pushed myself to make it there that night. But we got up Wednsday morning an headed south on I 35. A straight shot that continues to San Antonio.
Somehwere along the way we saw a man who probably built his motorcycle. He was roughly 350 lbs with a three-wheeled motorbike with the front and grill of a hotrod. On the back in script was written "Free Spirit."
And so do I
We got to Austin around 2 or 3 and drove around and were totally down with everyone we saw. There's no hipsters here, its too hot. Everyone's in basketball shorts and its great. Even the bike messengers. Let that sink in. So we scooted around and grabbed some free internet which is provided by the city, so if you're in the park on a bench, the internet is yours. And if the signal is weak, you just have to go to a bar, get a beer and they'll have it. Beer, by the way, is 1.50 almost everywhere. A dollar everywhere else.
After spending a minute on the internet we found a house and met with our landlord, a really nice guy from Chicago named Bob. He's letting us keep some of our stuff in an empty house of his until our house is ready, which could be as early as tomorrow or as late as Friday. We have this hotel paid for until Thursday, so either way. I've seen a bunch of fun bookstores I want to apply to since I'm realizing I really just want to do stupid work for a little while.
There's a good market here that's like Walmart but better called HEB. The proces are reasonable and they have better stuff. We've discovered the most amazing place on accident, as well, Tio Dan's "Puffy Taco." Its incredible. They take tortillas and lightly fry them then stuff them with awesome crap. We've been there every day.
In other news, there's an arts fair in Round Rock, where we're staying, today that we're going to and we're both applying to be in a show in a month or so, the deadline's in a couple days. In a few months I'll apply for a show at these two galleries while hopefully hosting shows at our house. Times are good.
More when it happens.
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