Today was a good day. Quick wrap up of current events. I didn't get my job back, which stinks. Times are slow, but maybe in the future... Bah. I've moved half of what I own into the shed/studio, from this day forward known as The Clubhouse. Or maybe The Cubhouse? Stubspouse?
There's tarps and tvs and lights and drills and a bench and its perfect. I'm making a theremin for you. Beleive it. I got four IC's left and they're just itching to transfer light into sound. I've worked on a few more pages of the comic, its going. I'm almost positive I'll make the deadline. If not, there's always next year. But seriously, they give grants to stuff with titles like "Pizza Wizard" so, you know. Tomorrow I think I'm going to build a case for my Seagull TLR camera. It's like 5x5x6, so that'll take about ten minutes. Stuff it with foam and it's secure.
Today was good because I woke up at 10, started uploading my music onto Dad's old Ipod, which is now my ipod which is good since I'd never buy one for myself or have one buy one for me. This one came free when my dad ordered a certain microscope for his lab. Just how I would've done. Coincidentally my old mp3 player died yesterday, so the timing is as good as it could possibly be. I then got picked up by JD and we drove around and I rode his bike for a minute and it was very springlike out. We then went to the Gulu cafe and got beers and sandwiches. A girl there had hair wax and I used it on my mustache and gave them perfect points sans mirror. That means its natural. Natural for the mustache that I have to be in points. I played with JD's manager's daughter and helped her spell words with her toy instruments that looked like letters. Then to make more words, we cut letters out of newspaper (she happened to have scissors). We spelled BIO, CAB, BOAT and RIOT. That's when people go crazy, I told her. Then we burned the place down.
After that it was back to JD's for games, music and cleaning. He has to move out in three days. Some people came over then we went back to the Gulu, had more beers and I was pleasantly surprised that a certain Marat Freisis and Clay were there. We hung out and a few bands played and we talked about what's wrong with our friends and what they're doing right and what they could do better. And that O'Mothie, the combination of White Moths and O'Malley (our respective highschool bands), was a thing that should have happened. We went outside and played frisbee in the park next to the cafe, which for some reason some people hated. Others, however, were pleased with our youthful frivolity and joined in for a round or two. More drinking, crises averted, and I took JD's truck and went home, blasting Animal Collective.
I got home and the ipod hadn't uploaded so it's doing that now. I want to go to the studio and test some things out. Its one. But I no longer have plans tomorrow so it doesn't much matter. Ahhhhh... Drawings, news, etc soon.
What a wuss
Anyway. So time goes by and things improve. I'm going to hang out with the dudes from my old job tomorrow and try to get at least a couple hours a week. I'm in the disconcertingly long process of attaining a studio (shed) so I can start sculpting again after six months of inactivity and unfulfilled projects. The ideal situation here would be that I'd work from 9-3 then walk the half mile to the studio and hang there till ten-ish. Go home, shower and repeat until January 15th. Then we drive accross this ugly country. Linda suggested we checkout the South Dakota Badlands. Or was it Montana? Regardless, I'm not sure how inviting they'd be in Januray / Feb but then again I have absolutely no idea. But the comic is coming along and I've been working on regaining my illustration ability. Here's two things. One done, one not.

Things change
So. There hasn't been an update in a while, maybe you've noticed. I kind of wanted to keep the whole moving home experience under wraps until Thanksgiving since I think 90% of the people who read this are my family and I wanted it to be a pleasant? surprise. My mind has left my body. I'm all over the place right now, incredibly unsure of how to procede. My plans for now are to hang out until the middle of January, then drive to Boulder, CO with JD. Plan is to roll down 95 until South Carolina then take a right. Maybe stop in Austin, maybe make our way to the desert. We have no idea. Its almost good that way. Thing I found out the hard way is if you want to you can drive 1800 miles in a day and a half. So we'll never be too imperiled. I don't know why I thought the deadline for the Xeric grant was January when its actually March and aparently has always been that way. So I've put the brakes on the comic, since I've been forcing it, rather than letting it happen.
I can't lie. I am bummed. We had a few good shows lined up for the Rodney Stewart Gallery. Urban Monsters in december I believe, Mark Mothersbaugh in April. Todd Barry, Eugene Murman and possibly Brad Neely in May. Its difficult when things were going very smoothly, then all of a sudden, not. I've been listening to Reality by David Bowie. I like it a lot. A lot of Neil Young too, mostly Silver and Gold. I just have absolutely no direction right now.
I can't lie. I am bummed. We had a few good shows lined up for the Rodney Stewart Gallery. Urban Monsters in december I believe, Mark Mothersbaugh in April. Todd Barry, Eugene Murman and possibly Brad Neely in May. Its difficult when things were going very smoothly, then all of a sudden, not. I've been listening to Reality by David Bowie. I like it a lot. A lot of Neil Young too, mostly Silver and Gold. I just have absolutely no direction right now.
My thumb
I didn't realize my thumb was at war with glass and today lost twice. While doing the dishes it cut gashed by a mug I broke the handle off of a week ago. Later on I got a mexican mineral water from the place across the street to go with my almost impossible to obtain taco. not being a screw-cap, I did my trick of lining the edge of the cap on something hard and popping it off, but the top of the bottle came with it. I tried a sip and felt little glass crystals snap between my teeth, spit and threw it out. Oh, and Before I threw it out I decided to see if it really was sharp or just some crazy glass mirage and cut my thumb, through my shirt, again. Its ugly and not looking forward to a day of labor and doctor's offices tomorrow.
My thumb lost today.
My thumb lost today.
Progress, progressor

Substantial update to the website, after some very helpful feedback.
New and improved. Two out of three videos in the circuit bent section are up, a new bio section (secret), changed the statement to something sensible, more music info, more drawings all over. More changes en route once I figure it out.
In other news, we have a room mate now. The lovely Leela Pahl will be staying in The Sideways Howse until Christmas, then its come to CT, then farther south. The place is better with her, I always like a full house and this place isn't hard to fill. Besides, its forced us to consolidate out crap into one room and the places is starting to feel real, lived in and I don't want to leave. But I will. When I have to.
An author showed interest in my work for a children's book. We still need to schdule a meeting. Monday I'm going to be doing carpentry work. The first work in almost two months. Its wierd. i don't suggest being unemployed for that long to anyone. Its just strange. The free time's great if you can handle and manage it. I feel I did an ok job. Could have been better. There were some shameful days of inactivity, but I'm busylike now.
I've been pumping out between one and six pages a day for the new comic. I've yet to think of a title. A problem I usually have. It's coming along great. I had this problem where I think I tried to forget how to draw and I started looking like henry Darger or Marcel Dzama, but that's not who I am and I'm getting my abilities back. I'm pleased with the process. Some things still need consideration, like shading, but there's still time.
I've decided to not drink from the first of November until Thanksgiving. Not that I'm blacking out every night, its just a challenge I want to take. And I know thanksgiving's early this but whatever.
I have health insurance and am about to fight Lavos in Chrono Trigger before I go to bed. Good night, sirs.
Late noights, sir
More and more. Now website business is being replaced by comic business. I realized I was being a chump to hold out for nice paper, since sensibly if I do get a grant, I still can't afford to print color anyway, and it just makes my strokes look crummy (see previous post). So. I'm starting over for maybe the eighth time since I wrote this story on a cold February night in Meatland after Your Parents practice. Its a moral story, about two people trying to do the right thing and maybe over doing it. And there's a kidnapping, a planned and foiled drowning, and a few broken bones. I'm really jazzed on it though. As I've explained to a few of you friends and fam that in the past ten years of comic-making (Jesus) this is the first time I've written a script. And this is the first time its taken me more than a few hours at a time from start to finish. In this case its been eight months and one grant submission deadline missed. The next is January. Here's hoping.
This was a good weekend. Yesterday we went to a really good opening at Okay Mountain. Good fabric sculptures and video. Talked to some people and for the first time got excited for the art scene here. I shouldn't base things off first experiences, I guess, since that bit ass. We then saw the new movie abotu Joy Division, Control, which was pretty good. I felt it could've used a littl emore time to show Ian Curtis' descent. It sort of was like "I'm kind of sad, I guess. Oh, there's a rope." Then today we went to a video show but unfortunately had to leave before it started. We met some chick from Worcester who was completely rad and had some free beers and cupcakes. We had to leave early because we went to see the new Michael Cera movie Juno, which was excellent. A little long winded and I felt too smart and esoteric for its own good at times, but overall pretty perfect with several genuine moments.
So I'm excited for art here and I hope we stick around for a little while. I should just get some dumb job to tide me over. Why haven't I done that? I don't know. Tomorrow I'm going to apply at a few places and call or email people I'd like to have shows here. We know how to advertise and could probably get an ad or at least a write up in The Onion, which acts like a Phoenix here. I feel Fionn would do well here. And Jack. And Urban Monsters.
Todd Barry, Eugene Murman, and Brad Neely(possibly) are lined up for having a show here in the spring, and I just need to email pictures to Mark Mothersbaugh's assistant to get that rolling. Time's should be good.
Man Man saturday. Friends stopping by for Halloween with Quintron. And a few friends are coming down from California for Thanksgiving. We need to find a table. Smiles all around.
Panel from new comic
So I just finished Sputnik Sweetheart and as Mike Tarkanian said, it was good. The surrealism was more muted, isolated events, not as blatant as in other books of Murakami's I've read. The ending left me extremely melancholic. The focus just seemed to be about friends and how there's certain people you can't imagine living without because they are in essence a part of you. When they leave or vanish a part of you goes with them.
Good news in relation to this is that Matt MacNeil will be stopping by for a few days either late this month or November. Another of Caitlin's friends is stopping by in November as well. We're turning into a fine little B n B over here.
I like my little house. I hope we can stay here a little bit longer. I don't think austin has sold us on a two year plan as we had originally envisioned, but I think we could easily kick it here until the end of Roller Derby Season: August. That means we will experience the divine horror and torture of a Texan summer.
But things are good. We have two shows lined up for 2008 and I'm feeling like calling some friends and having some shows for them, if anything, to put on a resume. The Rodney Stuart Gallery will be well stocked. I'm going to be working on an installation of a giant inflatable snake which I'll begin construction as soon as my new heat sealer gets here. It'll either fill up the gallery or go out the window and onto the roof. Out one window into another, etc etc. The heat and free time, people. The Heat and Free Time. That's the name of the bar I'm going to open. Or The Harsh Plan or The Regrettable Female, but that might be more of a name for a motorcycle.
I just printed out the application for the new Word of Mouth show. This time its in Miami. If you haven't, here's links:
So enter, sell work, make us all proud.
I'd also like to say that over the last few weeks I've caught up on some cinema classics. The French Connection, Easy Rider, and Godfather Parts 1 and 2 were all awesome and I'd never seen them before. What's with James Caan pretending to be Italian? Did that make sense in the 70's? No? ok. It's Austin Film Festival and I only have two movies I want to see. Control which is about Joy Division and Juno which has Michael Cera. Brilliantism.
I guess I forgot
To tell everyone we live in Jurassic Park, or the Land Time Forgot. Some crazy palce because this lives in our window:

And this spins webs next to the car.

A real life skultula. There's also the cicada the size of Caitlin (her new name is Cicaty Roy) who decided to jump onto my chest when i tried to close the window. And the yellow, translucent salamanders that wiggle above our heads on the porch.
A wild, savage place be this.
Kyle and Brian were fun. We finally got to the party barn (a drive through liquor barn lined with 30 racks and fridges) and got an Oregonian beer called Session. And we had a Sesh on the front porch till 3 this morning. Woke up, got breakfast, got knocked out by the finicky sun who isn't strong enough to help me silkscreen, but is still hot as the devil. I'm playing bass instead.
And this spins webs next to the car.
A real life skultula. There's also the cicada the size of Caitlin (her new name is Cicaty Roy) who decided to jump onto my chest when i tried to close the window. And the yellow, translucent salamanders that wiggle above our heads on the porch.
A wild, savage place be this.
Kyle and Brian were fun. We finally got to the party barn (a drive through liquor barn lined with 30 racks and fridges) and got an Oregonian beer called Session. And we had a Sesh on the front porch till 3 this morning. Woke up, got breakfast, got knocked out by the finicky sun who isn't strong enough to help me silkscreen, but is still hot as the devil. I'm playing bass instead.
For papa
That really good moon picture.
Must be the moon.
Have to say my favorite planet of the last few months has been Jupiter.
I'm tired and waiting for laundry to finish up at the apartment complex across the street. I thought it was nice to do it at night then forgot just how loud dryers are. Today I worked on a new site for NEPIN. The old one looks like it was hosted by geocities. Not saying I'm blowing minds, but its softer, gentler more approachable. Not times new roman or courier.
Tonight Caitlin and I got some horrendous Tex Mex then went back to the garage across from Stubb's to listen to Sonic Youth. It was ok. I've never really been into them which everyone finds surprising. I kind of want to be, but nothing I've heard other than Teenage Riot which Jack put on a mix for me in high school and Incinerate which Jess put on a mix for me in the spring. I got all their albums, too. Goo was ok, but not enough so that I remember it. Caitlin says she's going to go through it and make me a best of mix, as I've done for her with Tom Waits and Big Black.

Everyone gets bored sometimes
I got embroidery thread and plan on doing a little something on my backpack. When I bought it the girl at the counter was amazed I took them out of the bag. "That's like.. awesome of you. That's so good for the environment." I said something like "I hate bags" and smiled and left.
We have more visitors this week. A certain Kyle Geist + 1 other is going to be stopping by late tomorrow or early sunday. He was at the Grand Canyon today, driving around the states and figured he'd stop by. Been a good week for that. The friends seem to be coming in bursts, leaving us with months of loneliness or, Jesus, making new friends.
Plans for tomorrow: Get power strip so amps and korg can work, get photo emulsion for my bat face screen (see below), embroider, read shopgirl, apply for more jobs, if I hear back from Stan finalize the NEPIN site, maybe work on comic.
Busy times, ladies.

If anyone wants one of these, I'm printing them on wife beaters.
Must be the moon.
Have to say my favorite planet of the last few months has been Jupiter.
I'm tired and waiting for laundry to finish up at the apartment complex across the street. I thought it was nice to do it at night then forgot just how loud dryers are. Today I worked on a new site for NEPIN. The old one looks like it was hosted by geocities. Not saying I'm blowing minds, but its softer, gentler more approachable. Not times new roman or courier.
Tonight Caitlin and I got some horrendous Tex Mex then went back to the garage across from Stubb's to listen to Sonic Youth. It was ok. I've never really been into them which everyone finds surprising. I kind of want to be, but nothing I've heard other than Teenage Riot which Jack put on a mix for me in high school and Incinerate which Jess put on a mix for me in the spring. I got all their albums, too. Goo was ok, but not enough so that I remember it. Caitlin says she's going to go through it and make me a best of mix, as I've done for her with Tom Waits and Big Black.
Everyone gets bored sometimes
I got embroidery thread and plan on doing a little something on my backpack. When I bought it the girl at the counter was amazed I took them out of the bag. "That's like.. awesome of you. That's so good for the environment." I said something like "I hate bags" and smiled and left.
We have more visitors this week. A certain Kyle Geist + 1 other is going to be stopping by late tomorrow or early sunday. He was at the Grand Canyon today, driving around the states and figured he'd stop by. Been a good week for that. The friends seem to be coming in bursts, leaving us with months of loneliness or, Jesus, making new friends.
Plans for tomorrow: Get power strip so amps and korg can work, get photo emulsion for my bat face screen (see below), embroider, read shopgirl, apply for more jobs, if I hear back from Stan finalize the NEPIN site, maybe work on comic.
Busy times, ladies.
If anyone wants one of these, I'm printing them on wife beaters.
Was fun. I'm tired for no reason right now. Maybe simple lack of activity. Caitlin's out getting interview clothes. I'm thinking of something to do. But anyway. Yesterday Adam and Theresa showed up and we did a bunch fo stuff I'd been meaning to do. First thing was we found Barton Springs which is awesome. They took the river then enclosed and filtered out a section of it, so its it becomes a nice, clean, natural public pool. We swam for abotu an hour and talked to this little kid who was hogging the diving board and showing all the special dives he knew. He stunk at cannon balls. Fact. Adam pulled some wierd sideways flop out of nowhere.
After that we went to the Congress St bridge and we finally got to see the bats. At dusk everyday a swarm of bats fly out from under this bridge. Boats with people go by underneath and its all really nice. The bats get really close and after a while it really becomes this constant hypnotizing swirl underneath you. Of bats.
Then we went back the house and changed into human clothes and went out to this BBQ place that despite the ineptitude of our waitress who rather than say "sorry just a second I'm new here" would say "Oh, shit" and run away. At one point a manger came over and asked if she was doing alright. Regardless the grub was excellent and we got mounds of it. Thanks, mom.
After that we hit up 6th street and stopped at a few bars and played pool. Adam bought us drinks and we hung there till about one and went home. It was pretty great. It really made me look forward to having more people visit since Caitlin and I just don't really go out all that often. I'm realizing I'm one of the thriftiest people ever and typically prefer to stay in and work. But tomorrow I think we're going on a date somewhere.
In retrospect Caitlin pretty much got hosed. We went to a barbeque place so she had to have mashed potatoes then we went out drinking and she had to drive, since I don't have AAA or car insurance anymore. She's nice.
After that we went to the Congress St bridge and we finally got to see the bats. At dusk everyday a swarm of bats fly out from under this bridge. Boats with people go by underneath and its all really nice. The bats get really close and after a while it really becomes this constant hypnotizing swirl underneath you. Of bats.
Then we went back the house and changed into human clothes and went out to this BBQ place that despite the ineptitude of our waitress who rather than say "sorry just a second I'm new here" would say "Oh, shit" and run away. At one point a manger came over and asked if she was doing alright. Regardless the grub was excellent and we got mounds of it. Thanks, mom.
After that we hit up 6th street and stopped at a few bars and played pool. Adam bought us drinks and we hung there till about one and went home. It was pretty great. It really made me look forward to having more people visit since Caitlin and I just don't really go out all that often. I'm realizing I'm one of the thriftiest people ever and typically prefer to stay in and work. But tomorrow I think we're going on a date somewhere.
In retrospect Caitlin pretty much got hosed. We went to a barbeque place so she had to have mashed potatoes then we went out drinking and she had to drive, since I don't have AAA or car insurance anymore. She's nice.
It Works!
YEAH! There was a problem with capitalization. Problem no more. This realization came around 4 this morning as I was trying to get to bed. So!
Allright. Today we're going to get breakfast, get some fabric and sew up some curtains. Heading to SoCo. Doing Laundry for the very first time. Woof.
Sending of my health insurance app today. Life is like a wave.
Allright. Today we're going to get breakfast, get some fabric and sew up some curtains. Heading to SoCo. Doing Laundry for the very first time. Woof.
Sending of my health insurance app today. Life is like a wave.
So I need to learn
How to make it so that this isn't /index.html... Maybe fix that tomorrow. In other news!
There she blows. Today I spent uploading this lady. I've slep ten hours in three days and it shows. We finally got some cat food for Puerto Rico. She's been hanging out a lot. She sort of comes in then runs outside for no reason and rolls in dirt then comes back in just to leave. I'm going to spend tomorrow cleaning the house. I'm not sure if the "We just moved in" excuse is still valid.
There she blows. Today I spent uploading this lady. I've slep ten hours in three days and it shows. We finally got some cat food for Puerto Rico. She's been hanging out a lot. She sort of comes in then runs outside for no reason and rolls in dirt then comes back in just to leave. I'm going to spend tomorrow cleaning the house. I'm not sure if the "We just moved in" excuse is still valid.
Dreamweaver's taking its time
I'm uploading my website to my server right now... So this blog may not exist for too long. Or at least maybe in another place. The site's not done, but the four main pages are and I've decided to stop for tonight since its 4 and we have to pick up Malicen and Ruby at the airport tomorrow at 11. Then get lunch and its back to work. This has been good though. I've spent a lot of time exploring the programs I've been slobbing through since highschool. Check out the new Soft Intelligence posters once they're up. Soft Intelligence being my band/video project with Caitlin. More on that as it develops.
Tomorrow I'm picking up tickets for Man Man and Quintron (which is a Halloween show!), total cost: $21. Some things are great here.
Last night we couldn't get in to see Interpol and more importantly Liars, since it sold out almost a month ago. So instead we packed a couple beers and sat on the top of a parking garage across the street. It was an outdoor show and even though we couldn't see them, the sound was perfect. And on top of a parking garage is the one place where nobody thinks to look. Nobody being pedestrians. We saw some fun stuff. Drunk girls walking at a 30 degree angle, shirtless guys doing laps on single speeds, pedicabs doing laps with nobody getting on then the peddler getting off their cab trying to get into the show then getting denied and sitting in his cab waiting for the show to get out.
Some guy snuck onto some adjacent buildings that had a better vantage point in that from there you could actually see bands, and a place we considered sneaking up on to. We watched him flee security as we biked home.
The good news is there seems to be a good flow of people coming through. This weekend brings Malicen and Ruby Khan. Next week the brodukes and Theresa are passing through for a few hours. A few weeks later Caitlin's sister will be here for a weekend. And supposedly a certain John Dewey Leone should be stay for a week in November. I meant to call him tonight. I guess it'll wait.
Tomorrow I'm picking up tickets for Man Man and Quintron (which is a Halloween show!), total cost: $21. Some things are great here.
Last night we couldn't get in to see Interpol and more importantly Liars, since it sold out almost a month ago. So instead we packed a couple beers and sat on the top of a parking garage across the street. It was an outdoor show and even though we couldn't see them, the sound was perfect. And on top of a parking garage is the one place where nobody thinks to look. Nobody being pedestrians. We saw some fun stuff. Drunk girls walking at a 30 degree angle, shirtless guys doing laps on single speeds, pedicabs doing laps with nobody getting on then the peddler getting off their cab trying to get into the show then getting denied and sitting in his cab waiting for the show to get out.
Some guy snuck onto some adjacent buildings that had a better vantage point in that from there you could actually see bands, and a place we considered sneaking up on to. We watched him flee security as we biked home.
The good news is there seems to be a good flow of people coming through. This weekend brings Malicen and Ruby Khan. Next week the brodukes and Theresa are passing through for a few hours. A few weeks later Caitlin's sister will be here for a weekend. And supposedly a certain John Dewey Leone should be stay for a week in November. I meant to call him tonight. I guess it'll wait.
Here's the house! Note the rags and debris we haven't taken care of yet. And the all around disarray of the place, since we don't have shelves or anything to put stuff on. Its ugly and it leans but its nice and its ours. The ugly neighborhood cat just let Caitlin pet it. I'm naming him Puerto Rico.
I got a bike! Its got a flip-flop back wheel (one side is a singlespeed freewheel, the other is fixed), good brakes, good parts and short bullhorn handlebars like I wanted. Its exactly the bike I was going to build but now don't have to. I took it for a spin earlier and its super tight. The chick who sold it to me was awesome, too. Her name was CJ and her boyfriend is aparently in an awesome stoner metal band with a complicated name that I wrote down and have since forgotten. I'm going to paint it since a teal bike really isn't my deal.
This is our show! The opening is in two hours and I hope to meet a lot of cool, motivated people. I'm especially interested meeting the people who run Collective RERT, the home-gallery people.
So that's that. More when it happens.
We're in an art show
Yes, sir. And apaprently there's a whole collective down here of people with the same goal as Caitlin and I: to have shows out of the home. So we'll be meeting them. The show is friday. I have two drawings, I might make some more and Caitlin put 6 or 7 in. Wish us luck. For no reason. Since we're already in it. I'll post a flyer later.
Good news, everyone!
The house gets free internet! The place is a charmer. Today we spent scrubbing the floors and getting all the old plaster off them, then scrubbing the tub and the toilet (out in the street, for all to see). We put the toilet in but had some troubles with the sink, Bob got a new one and its not lining up with the existing pipe, so he has to go get some flexible hose tomorrow. So we have no sink, but we do have hot water and just took showers, but the AC isn't working yet since he also got the wrong size filters for the intake duct. But the ceiling fan is new and nice and the windows open (they need to be rescreened and giant moths are swooping in)and we just got a mattress from IKEA which is really nice. Its not the one we wanted as that was obviously sold out, but its cheaper. And thinner. But still nice. We have a nice stack of pillows too. In a couple days we'll go back and get some house stuff which will be very nice.

The Departed was excellent.
Tomorrow: Finishing the kitchen and bathroom, scrubbing the gallery, and a little bit of organizing.
The Departed was excellent.
Tomorrow: Finishing the kitchen and bathroom, scrubbing the gallery, and a little bit of organizing.
One more day of hotels thank god
So spent the last days sitting in the Extended Stay till the afternoon, getting Puffy Tacos then driving the twenty minutes from Round Rock to Austin, applying for jobs, looking at nice houses, and being amazed at how many mascots here have sunglasses. "Ah, dragon with sunglasses, mushroom with sunglasses, snow-cone (caitlin's favorite, picture later) with sunglasses..." None of those are jokes. Then we go back to the room and watch movies or Arrested Development or Futurama then go to bed. We did this because we thought the house would be done by today but since we are now in the Walnut Forest Motor Inn, it isn't. Our landlord, Nice Guy Bob, had to leave town for a few days for family stuff up in Oklahoma, but he said he'd have some guys go to the house to paint and sand the floors. They never showed up. So today was spent with Caitlin and I being little homeowners and painting our walls (two light brown, one white for the gallery, and the kitchen is a lovely yellow) and then I got to be a man and scrape out all the old black caulk from the tub and recaulk all the seams.
We took a break and went to an ok greek place on Guadalupe. Then we worked until about eight thirty and spent the next two hours trying to find a cheap place to stay, since by now we've both spent at least 350 on hotel rooms; many thanks to everyone who's helped me out in that respect. So the first place we tried was this Motor Lodge that as soon as we pulled in we could feel the low bass hum of warning brewing up from within the earth. We were stared down by a man at the teller window, not the teller, but some 50 year old getting a room. We walked up and notice he was with a girl I'd love to say was at least 16 but I have no idea. Your conclusions in regards to that are your own. When he said "how y'all doing?" to us we both thought "did you have to?" but said "just fine." He then through vulgar, sexual comments to the 60 year old fat lady behind the counter, while his lady laughed. It was incredibly upsetting. One of those rare occasions where you think in the past that you've met a sociopath, only to actually meet one and know that you need to get away from him as soon as possible because he doesn't care about anything. The scariest person alive. Other than that there was a guy lying down by the pool, yes pool, with his thousand pound girlfriend dripping over the fence onto him. As we pulled right the fuck out of there, we had just enough time to see a shirtless monster loom in a doorway with no lights on inside. Jesus.
No place is perfect.
So we cam to the Walnut Forest which is very cute and nice and we talked to a guy who had the misfortune of spending last night at the palce I just talked about, it is thirty bucks a night, but some things aren't worth anything. "Just nasty" is what he had to say, the business man from Lubbock. This room is a little smoky and hasn't changed ever.The curtains won't close, but these photos were shot there.
Tomorrow I install the toilet and sink, then we finally empty the car after two weeks of torture and we go to Ikea and buy a damn bed.
Good night! Tonight we watch The Departed.
By the way
My copy had German subtitles
Grindhouse was awesome. We watched the first half last night and its like that whole thing with bands now where people are realizing they can just make things awesome. The whole movie is just dudes being bad ass and heads exploding.
Same thing goes for Smokin Aces. With less heads exploding and more semblance of plot.
We have a membership to an amazing video store now that has several out of pront John Waters and Ken Russels movies.
Man Man is playing in October and Liars is playing in two weeks. At a place half the size of TT's.
Its been hot, obviously, but not too bad, if you were wondering.
Reel Missing
A few days to decompress
I don't like to admit it when I've pushed myself too far, but between the time change (lame), driving for ten to fourteen hours a day and eating at Bob Evans, by Friday I had to accept that I was completely tired. We spent the last three days applying for jobs, but mostly sitting in the hotel watching discovery channel, which luckily has been showing nothing but Blue Planet and Survivorman.
Monday found us in St Louis. We met up with Caitlin's cousin Michael and his boyfriend Jim and their two adorable puppies. They were australian shephards, like Sparky, mixed with collies and were incredibly soft. I wish I got a photo of them.

We got in a fight and I had to make it to Austin by mule.
They gave us a tour and St Louis is a pretty neat place, but I doubt I could live there. Maybe for a summer. Probably not. We went to a decent pizza place and they gave us a tour of the town. We got back around 1030 and I crawled straight into bed. The room proved to be a germ furnace and I woke up at 3 in the morning coughing with the heaviest head and cracked the windows, something I should have done before I went to bed. Bad combination of dry heat and dehydration I am just now getting over. We both woke up feeling like garbage and have been blowing our noses and couhging up garbage ever since.
We headed out and made it to Graceland by the afternoon, but Memphis depressed me so hard we didn't even go in. It was the six bucks for parking that was just too much for me. It looked like a bunch of shitty buildings with Elvis' plane and car out front. We headed to Arkansas.

The road takes its toll
Arkansas provided us with terrifying storms and little else. I don't think we even stopped before Texas. El Dorado was about two hours out of our way, so we scrapped that idea, and we drove b y Arkadelphia around 8 and weren't ready to stop, and forgot to call Marshall to tell him thanks anyways. We stopped outside Dallas.
I wished I had known Dallas was only 200 miles from Austin and if I did I would have pushed myself to make it there that night. But we got up Wednsday morning an headed south on I 35. A straight shot that continues to San Antonio.
Somehwere along the way we saw a man who probably built his motorcycle. He was roughly 350 lbs with a three-wheeled motorbike with the front and grill of a hotrod. On the back in script was written "Free Spirit."

And so do I
We got to Austin around 2 or 3 and drove around and were totally down with everyone we saw. There's no hipsters here, its too hot. Everyone's in basketball shorts and its great. Even the bike messengers. Let that sink in. So we scooted around and grabbed some free internet which is provided by the city, so if you're in the park on a bench, the internet is yours. And if the signal is weak, you just have to go to a bar, get a beer and they'll have it. Beer, by the way, is 1.50 almost everywhere. A dollar everywhere else.
After spending a minute on the internet we found a house and met with our landlord, a really nice guy from Chicago named Bob. He's letting us keep some of our stuff in an empty house of his until our house is ready, which could be as early as tomorrow or as late as Friday. We have this hotel paid for until Thursday, so either way. I've seen a bunch of fun bookstores I want to apply to since I'm realizing I really just want to do stupid work for a little while.
There's a good market here that's like Walmart but better called HEB. The proces are reasonable and they have better stuff. We've discovered the most amazing place on accident, as well, Tio Dan's "Puffy Taco." Its incredible. They take tortillas and lightly fry them then stuff them with awesome crap. We've been there every day.
In other news, there's an arts fair in Round Rock, where we're staying, today that we're going to and we're both applying to be in a show in a month or so, the deadline's in a couple days. In a few months I'll apply for a show at these two galleries while hopefully hosting shows at our house. Times are good.
More when it happens.
Monday found us in St Louis. We met up with Caitlin's cousin Michael and his boyfriend Jim and their two adorable puppies. They were australian shephards, like Sparky, mixed with collies and were incredibly soft. I wish I got a photo of them.
We got in a fight and I had to make it to Austin by mule.
They gave us a tour and St Louis is a pretty neat place, but I doubt I could live there. Maybe for a summer. Probably not. We went to a decent pizza place and they gave us a tour of the town. We got back around 1030 and I crawled straight into bed. The room proved to be a germ furnace and I woke up at 3 in the morning coughing with the heaviest head and cracked the windows, something I should have done before I went to bed. Bad combination of dry heat and dehydration I am just now getting over. We both woke up feeling like garbage and have been blowing our noses and couhging up garbage ever since.
We headed out and made it to Graceland by the afternoon, but Memphis depressed me so hard we didn't even go in. It was the six bucks for parking that was just too much for me. It looked like a bunch of shitty buildings with Elvis' plane and car out front. We headed to Arkansas.
The road takes its toll
Arkansas provided us with terrifying storms and little else. I don't think we even stopped before Texas. El Dorado was about two hours out of our way, so we scrapped that idea, and we drove b y Arkadelphia around 8 and weren't ready to stop, and forgot to call Marshall to tell him thanks anyways. We stopped outside Dallas.
I wished I had known Dallas was only 200 miles from Austin and if I did I would have pushed myself to make it there that night. But we got up Wednsday morning an headed south on I 35. A straight shot that continues to San Antonio.
Somehwere along the way we saw a man who probably built his motorcycle. He was roughly 350 lbs with a three-wheeled motorbike with the front and grill of a hotrod. On the back in script was written "Free Spirit."
And so do I
We got to Austin around 2 or 3 and drove around and were totally down with everyone we saw. There's no hipsters here, its too hot. Everyone's in basketball shorts and its great. Even the bike messengers. Let that sink in. So we scooted around and grabbed some free internet which is provided by the city, so if you're in the park on a bench, the internet is yours. And if the signal is weak, you just have to go to a bar, get a beer and they'll have it. Beer, by the way, is 1.50 almost everywhere. A dollar everywhere else.
After spending a minute on the internet we found a house and met with our landlord, a really nice guy from Chicago named Bob. He's letting us keep some of our stuff in an empty house of his until our house is ready, which could be as early as tomorrow or as late as Friday. We have this hotel paid for until Thursday, so either way. I've seen a bunch of fun bookstores I want to apply to since I'm realizing I really just want to do stupid work for a little while.
There's a good market here that's like Walmart but better called HEB. The proces are reasonable and they have better stuff. We've discovered the most amazing place on accident, as well, Tio Dan's "Puffy Taco." Its incredible. They take tortillas and lightly fry them then stuff them with awesome crap. We've been there every day.
In other news, there's an arts fair in Round Rock, where we're staying, today that we're going to and we're both applying to be in a show in a month or so, the deadline's in a couple days. In a few months I'll apply for a show at these two galleries while hopefully hosting shows at our house. Times are good.
More when it happens.
Time has passed
And we have a house! However, it won't be ready for a week or so. So, Caity and I are shacking up in an Extended Stay Suite. A massive step up from the incredible dive we stayed at last night. Maybe it was the giant moth on the wall when we came in, or the broken lock (still worked?), or the sheets that gave Caitlin hives, or maybe and ultimately the cockroach I accidentally crushed when i moved the nightstand. That Rodeside Inn can get stuffed.
So. Not much happened Monday. We drove though some farms in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Tried and failed to find a ghost town in Illinois and just found a crazy place I wish I hadn't seen. Saw a few crushed houses, more crosses and abortion billboards. We stopped at a Bob Evans which I guess is like a western Bic's, so imagine Bickford's but where everything sits in a pool of oil. I'll never go back.
Driving by people and seeing the country you begin to understand its problems. Not all of them, obviously, but you're able to put things together. There's nothing there. We'd drive for hours which equals hundreds of miles and there would be nothing but chain restaurants. Not good ones, but things like Bob Evans and Cracker Barrel, where everything is microwaved. I know all I saw was highways and interstates, but everynow and then we'd get off to look for something and see a town or drive down a small road and rather than have smaller restaurants where things could be nice there is either those same places or nothing at all. For hours and hundreds of miles. So there's so few places to go and everything is so grotesquely prepared that it gets less and less hard to figure out the weight problem. Or at least understand. There's a whole lot of people with nowhere else to go.
And that's why they drive giant cars. I can assume a reliable and efficient Toyota Camry would be too tight and compact and uncomfortable. SUVs are huge and can house a huge man, or huge family of which I've seen many.
More tomorrow.
So. Not much happened Monday. We drove though some farms in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Tried and failed to find a ghost town in Illinois and just found a crazy place I wish I hadn't seen. Saw a few crushed houses, more crosses and abortion billboards. We stopped at a Bob Evans which I guess is like a western Bic's, so imagine Bickford's but where everything sits in a pool of oil. I'll never go back.
Driving by people and seeing the country you begin to understand its problems. Not all of them, obviously, but you're able to put things together. There's nothing there. We'd drive for hours which equals hundreds of miles and there would be nothing but chain restaurants. Not good ones, but things like Bob Evans and Cracker Barrel, where everything is microwaved. I know all I saw was highways and interstates, but everynow and then we'd get off to look for something and see a town or drive down a small road and rather than have smaller restaurants where things could be nice there is either those same places or nothing at all. For hours and hundreds of miles. So there's so few places to go and everything is so grotesquely prepared that it gets less and less hard to figure out the weight problem. Or at least understand. There's a whole lot of people with nowhere else to go.
And that's why they drive giant cars. I can assume a reliable and efficient Toyota Camry would be too tight and compact and uncomfortable. SUVs are huge and can house a huge man, or huge family of which I've seen many.
More tomorrow.
Ah the Hotel...
I forgot to mention a few things from last night.
We stopped at a Starbucks by the side of the road last night watched an eight year old girl rub her butt all over the open refrigerated case. We stopped at a Denny's, had some transparent coffee, and watched a twelve year old boy comb a Barbie's hair with his hands, then sit her down on the chair rail. "You're so perfect" I wished he said. I tried to find the bathroom, couldn't find it and my appearance made a black kid say "Dayum!" which I had thought only happened in movies.
Then we stopped at the Rodeway Inn, not Rodeside Inn as previously indicated. It came complete with:
A dead fly waiting for us on the bathroom floor.

This bath, which I'm about to step in.
We need to be out of here by ten, so good bye. I'll start resizing these before I post, I swear.
We stopped at a Starbucks by the side of the road last night watched an eight year old girl rub her butt all over the open refrigerated case. We stopped at a Denny's, had some transparent coffee, and watched a twelve year old boy comb a Barbie's hair with his hands, then sit her down on the chair rail. "You're so perfect" I wished he said. I tried to find the bathroom, couldn't find it and my appearance made a black kid say "Dayum!" which I had thought only happened in movies.
Then we stopped at the Rodeway Inn, not Rodeside Inn as previously indicated. It came complete with:
A dead fly waiting for us on the bathroom floor.
This bath, which I'm about to step in.
We need to be out of here by ten, so good bye. I'll start resizing these before I post, I swear.
The End of Day 2
So rather than post last night as I had planned, I just got drunk with Alan at his parents' house in Brooklyn. We went to this place around the corner which Alan said absolutely anything could be going. We suggested Squid Rodeo? and he said it was a possibility. That or five year olds in a hardcore band or spoken word. However, when we went there was nothing happening. There were a few people hanging out outside but no one inside and it was silent. We had beers and talked to the chick werking there then played Metal Slug on an outdoor arcade machine and couldn't beat the first level.
When we got back to Alan's house we watched the new instalments to R Kelly's Trapped in the Closet saga while Alan cooked me a steak and we drank Porkslap, the foulest.
Before all this Caitlin and I had a fun night in Salem on Friday in which many heads did roll through, some stars including Ryan Piaxao and Clay who owns guns. Got to see Jack and Matt and Cassy and Tyler and JD and the Dames.
The next day found us scrambling to finish off packing the car after a 430 am farewell to Annie. I forgot a few things, like my four rolls of medium format film, one of which I had planned on wasting during the trip. JD and Steve showed up at zero hour to pleasantly wish me off, then I had one last burrito at Anna's with Lawrence, Keanne, and Corey, which was perfect.
When we got to the car there was a highway, or in this case parking lot, diaper waiting for us behing the reart tire. I guess we rolled over it and onto the Pike where we saw a car moments away from bursting into flame. I wish that were the first time I'd seen a car on fire.
From there we made our way to Hartford and the Old State House which made me think I'd made a mistake in coming to until we found the curio room on the second floor. Two headed cow and pig were waiting with three horned goat and petrified skate was just hanging out with some friends. There was a six foot narwhal horn in a very tall belljar and a very eager fox's head.

Me and the two-faced cow. Never could trust him.
Gay City was kind of a let down. Less of a ghost town and more of a state park there was only remains of an old mill, which was neat to look at, and I saw maybe one ruined foundation. Caitlin caught a frog.

These things happen in Gay City.

Be seeing you

We went some places
Then we got to New York and remembered yet again why I can wait to move there. In the morning we spent an hour trying to find this bagel place Alan told us about, gave up, and had to find gas. Paid 9 dollars to leave the city and headed to Philly. We got there and walked around and realised that we were happy that we weren't moving there either. Philly is like if the worst people from RISD and JP had a baby and it fell down some stairs. All it makes me think about is Keith Haring and the early nineties and art that tries to pull the community together, like making a person out of traffic cones and milk crates. But we got to Mutter Museum after spending another hour looking for a place to eat and not finding one.
We left and did not persue Centralia as it was getting late and there was must driving to do. Caity did most of it, about 250 miles, while I read Factotum by Bukowski. I like it. There's a few memorable and filthy lines. Went through some long horrifying tunnels and saw some strange things at pit stops.
I took over driving at eleven and continued till 130 when we found this Rodeside Inn, with an oddly friendly innkeeper. And here we are. We're about 20 miles away from Columbus and only have two goals for tomorrow, one ghost town in Indiana and then getting to Caitlin's cousin's house in St Louis. Time for bed. Smooch.
When we got back to Alan's house we watched the new instalments to R Kelly's Trapped in the Closet saga while Alan cooked me a steak and we drank Porkslap, the foulest.
Before all this Caitlin and I had a fun night in Salem on Friday in which many heads did roll through, some stars including Ryan Piaxao and Clay who owns guns. Got to see Jack and Matt and Cassy and Tyler and JD and the Dames.
The next day found us scrambling to finish off packing the car after a 430 am farewell to Annie. I forgot a few things, like my four rolls of medium format film, one of which I had planned on wasting during the trip. JD and Steve showed up at zero hour to pleasantly wish me off, then I had one last burrito at Anna's with Lawrence, Keanne, and Corey, which was perfect.
When we got to the car there was a highway, or in this case parking lot, diaper waiting for us behing the reart tire. I guess we rolled over it and onto the Pike where we saw a car moments away from bursting into flame. I wish that were the first time I'd seen a car on fire.
From there we made our way to Hartford and the Old State House which made me think I'd made a mistake in coming to until we found the curio room on the second floor. Two headed cow and pig were waiting with three horned goat and petrified skate was just hanging out with some friends. There was a six foot narwhal horn in a very tall belljar and a very eager fox's head.
Me and the two-faced cow. Never could trust him.
Gay City was kind of a let down. Less of a ghost town and more of a state park there was only remains of an old mill, which was neat to look at, and I saw maybe one ruined foundation. Caitlin caught a frog.
These things happen in Gay City.
Be seeing you
We went some places
Then we got to New York and remembered yet again why I can wait to move there. In the morning we spent an hour trying to find this bagel place Alan told us about, gave up, and had to find gas. Paid 9 dollars to leave the city and headed to Philly. We got there and walked around and realised that we were happy that we weren't moving there either. Philly is like if the worst people from RISD and JP had a baby and it fell down some stairs. All it makes me think about is Keith Haring and the early nineties and art that tries to pull the community together, like making a person out of traffic cones and milk crates. But we got to Mutter Museum after spending another hour looking for a place to eat and not finding one.
We left and did not persue Centralia as it was getting late and there was must driving to do. Caity did most of it, about 250 miles, while I read Factotum by Bukowski. I like it. There's a few memorable and filthy lines. Went through some long horrifying tunnels and saw some strange things at pit stops.
I took over driving at eleven and continued till 130 when we found this Rodeside Inn, with an oddly friendly innkeeper. And here we are. We're about 20 miles away from Columbus and only have two goals for tomorrow, one ghost town in Indiana and then getting to Caitlin's cousin's house in St Louis. Time for bed. Smooch.
Tomorrow's the day
Ok, sir. This is the first post. There's not much to report. There'll hopefully be a large hang out tonight in Salem at the Gulu Gulu Cafe. Many heads present. Many heads.
Here's a drawing from last November.
Here's a drawing from last November.
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