Yesterday we drove around West Asheville, I got my car looked at and rather than being totally screwed with a transmission problem, the rattling was just a rusted heat shield that the guy at The Organic Mechanic would later grind off. No more problem other than that I can't park on dry grass or it'll set on fire and blow up my car, like, as Dad told me, on the Sopranos. Keanne found me the perfect job here working for the city as exhibit Curator at all the museums, so i'd basically go from museum to museum see if anythings broken, take it, and fix it. Also, I'd get to design the exhibits as they happen, all in all a great job. The description was exactly what I am. They were looking for someone with experience in exhibit design, sculpture, photo, web design, carpentry, pretty much everything I know and am good at. Only problem is the deadline was last week, but I submitted a cover letter anyway, you never know. I might call next week to check the possibility.
Then I got really drunk. We went to this place that had 32oz Dos Equis for 3.50. So we all got on and Keanne only had half her's so Tim and I split it. Then I came home and passed out on the porchcouch for two hours, woke up, Tim brought me a 40, drank that, then we all split another. That was fun though, we just hung out on the porch with a couple of the people who live in the house that I hadn't met yet. Then we went to the bar. Tim bought me a glass of whiskey but I couldn't finish it. I dropped them off at another bar and went home.
Then today I got my hair cut! At this great place where they gave me a free beer with the cut. I talked to the chick about Asheville, how its better than Raleigh (no way!). Not much happened since. Tonight we're going to see a band comprised of three cute girls, so that should be fun. Everyone's at the Falls right now, but I didn't feel like going. When I'm new to a place I don't really like doing doubles, as we already went like two weeks ago.
Oh yeah. Yesterday we watched a horrible movie. The DVD said it was called Burial Ground, but when the title came up it was called The Nights of Terror. Either way it was stupid. And this horrible thing is in it:

But this also happens:

And that's all I'll say. Don't watch it. We didn't mean to.
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