Today was a good day. Quick wrap up of current events. I didn't get my job back, which stinks. Times are slow, but maybe in the future... Bah. I've moved half of what I own into the shed/studio, from this day forward known as The Clubhouse. Or maybe The Cubhouse? Stubspouse?
There's tarps and tvs and lights and drills and a bench and its perfect. I'm making a theremin for you. Beleive it. I got four IC's left and they're just itching to transfer light into sound. I've worked on a few more pages of the comic, its going. I'm almost positive I'll make the deadline. If not, there's always next year. But seriously, they give grants to stuff with titles like "Pizza Wizard" so, you know. Tomorrow I think I'm going to build a case for my Seagull TLR camera. It's like 5x5x6, so that'll take about ten minutes. Stuff it with foam and it's secure.
Today was good because I woke up at 10, started uploading my music onto Dad's old Ipod, which is now my ipod which is good since I'd never buy one for myself or have one buy one for me. This one came free when my dad ordered a certain microscope for his lab. Just how I would've done. Coincidentally my old mp3 player died yesterday, so the timing is as good as it could possibly be. I then got picked up by JD and we drove around and I rode his bike for a minute and it was very springlike out. We then went to the Gulu cafe and got beers and sandwiches. A girl there had hair wax and I used it on my mustache and gave them perfect points sans mirror. That means its natural. Natural for the mustache that I have to be in points. I played with JD's manager's daughter and helped her spell words with her toy instruments that looked like letters. Then to make more words, we cut letters out of newspaper (she happened to have scissors). We spelled BIO, CAB, BOAT and RIOT. That's when people go crazy, I told her. Then we burned the place down.
After that it was back to JD's for games, music and cleaning. He has to move out in three days. Some people came over then we went back to the Gulu, had more beers and I was pleasantly surprised that a certain Marat Freisis and Clay were there. We hung out and a few bands played and we talked about what's wrong with our friends and what they're doing right and what they could do better. And that O'Mothie, the combination of White Moths and O'Malley (our respective highschool bands), was a thing that should have happened. We went outside and played frisbee in the park next to the cafe, which for some reason some people hated. Others, however, were pleased with our youthful frivolity and joined in for a round or two. More drinking, crises averted, and I took JD's truck and went home, blasting Animal Collective.
I got home and the ipod hadn't uploaded so it's doing that now. I want to go to the studio and test some things out. Its one. But I no longer have plans tomorrow so it doesn't much matter. Ahhhhh... Drawings, news, etc soon.
What a wuss
Anyway. So time goes by and things improve. I'm going to hang out with the dudes from my old job tomorrow and try to get at least a couple hours a week. I'm in the disconcertingly long process of attaining a studio (shed) so I can start sculpting again after six months of inactivity and unfulfilled projects. The ideal situation here would be that I'd work from 9-3 then walk the half mile to the studio and hang there till ten-ish. Go home, shower and repeat until January 15th. Then we drive accross this ugly country. Linda suggested we checkout the South Dakota Badlands. Or was it Montana? Regardless, I'm not sure how inviting they'd be in Januray / Feb but then again I have absolutely no idea. But the comic is coming along and I've been working on regaining my illustration ability. Here's two things. One done, one not.

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